Highlight of the Week…..A day in the life of a Valuer
Another Day in the Life of a Valuer…….A Sleek Tin Lizzie!
This week as an expert plant and equipment valuer had me looking at a Tin Lizzie, an old and not so virtuous nickname for the Ford Model T automobile, which is the car that changed the entire industry. The Ford Motor Co developed the production assembly line still used today.
This car has been slightly modified since she came off the production line in 1923, but she does come in the original colour, as Henry Ford famously said, you can have any colour you want, as long as it is black!
As the expert valuer I had to determine what she is worth today, and that is considerably more than she was when new. In 1923 she would have set you back $364, the equivalent of $5353 today.
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