Highlight of the week (23 March)…..A Day in the life of a valuer
Another Day in the Life of a Valuer…..in the Top end. This post is a little different…..I had the fortunate experience to not only be up in the “Top End” working last week. Whilst it can be hot and wet, it is always interesting. I got to see the sunrise from the air, whilst flying to an early start job, which is always a pleasant experience. The very next day, on my commercial flight home, taking a bit of notice as to where we were in the air, I was able to see the magnificent Diamantina River flooding down to Lake Eyre, as a direct result of the flooding rains in the Townsville region last month. If you are looking at the pics, the green tinge is the channels that the water flows through, breathing instant life into the trees with the vibrant greens. The tan patches are residual waterholes that will dry up in a matter of weeks. Not much about valuing, but seeing something that rarely happens in the natural world is a definite fringe benefit of being a valuer. The other pics are of another fringe benefit!!
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